"Committed to
Develop Afghanistan"
The Agency for Rehabilitation Assistance & Development of Afghanistan (ARADA) is a non-governmental, non-political, non-profit, humanitarian organization….
Our Work & Expertise
Recent Projects
ARADA has profuse national and international experience in successful implementation of numerous projects in a diverse and dynamic development areas over the past thirty years.

Women’s Peacebuilding and Recovery Project
Women’s Peacebuilding and Recovery Project (Location – Helmand and Laghman, Donor – UNWOMEN.
The Women’s Peacebuilding and Recovery Project aims to enhance women’s engagement in peace and security. Civil society, the United Nations and Member States established the Women’s Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Fund to steer resources directly to women’s civil society organizations at the forefront of conflict prevention, conflict resolution and recovery efforts

Non-Formal Approach for Training, Education & Job in Afghanistan Project
Non-Formal Approach for Training, Education & Job in Afghanistan (Location – Kabul, Donor – Italian Embassy.
The Non-Formal Approach to Training, Education and Jobs in Afghanistan project targeted young Afghan women in rural and semi-urban areas through non-formal skills training.

Community-Based Girls Education Project
Community-Based Girls Education Project (Location – Kabul, Donor – CIDA)
The Community-Based Education for Marginalized Girls in Afghanistan project aimed to improve the life chances for marginalized girls who studied in lower primary schools by providing them with community-based education.
Our Partners & Clients