Management and Coordination
- DPM under direct guidance of TPM Project Manager and in coordination with Provincial Team Leaders (PTLs) ensures effective and timely deployment of field monitors, Stand-By monitors, Quality Assurance Assistants in provincial offices in compliance with ARADA’s Policies and project documents;
- Deputy Project Manager (DPM) prepares TPM Services annual work plan, quarterly and monthly work plan with Project schedules as per the WFP AO M&E Unit Plan;
- Prepares field technical and operational plan as per the WFP’s TPM requirements and plan;
- Leads the PTLs on daily monitoring plans in cluster provinces and districts and provides guidance on any gaps or challenges to smoothly implement TPM Services Project;
- In close consultation with TPM Services Project Manager, ensures adequate resources are allocated/arranged to implement field’s daily, weekly and monthly monitoring plans;
- Ensures ARADA and WFP’s required policies and guidelines are adhered by the PTLs, field monitors and provincial staff while implementing TPM Services Project;
- Ensures key directives by the De facto Authorities (DFAs) are followed by the PTLs, Provincial and field staff;
- DPM coordinates operational level field activities with DFA’s on central, provincial and district level to ensure smooth implementation of TPM Services Project;
- Provides advice/ instructions to PTLs on challenges and way forward to ensure timely implementation of field operations and deliverables achievements;
- DPM will assist TPM Services Project Manager to ensure smooth implementation of TPM Services Project in the target Cluster(s) Provinces and districts;
- DPM under direct guidance of TPM Project Manager, oversees the progress of the TPM Services Project as per the WFP’s Area Office M&E plan and required criteria, guidelines and timeline;
- He/she will provide advice, guidance or instructions to PTLs on vital field decision makings;
- Oversee and ensure reporting standards and quality assurance mechanisms;
- Assist PM to oversees all ARADA and WFP assets are properly recorded and safeguarded;
- Assist PM to oversee employees’ performance to initiate necessary capacity building programs or actions.
Reporting and Quality Assurance
- DPM will ensure reports are produced and aligned as per the WFP requirements and with high quality assurance standards;
- Produce and share periodic (Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly) progress reports with TPM Services Project Manager;
- Prepares ad-hoc reports from internal and external sources for ARADA’s senior management or WPF relevant unit;
- Explore ways to improve reporting and quality assurance benchmarks of the TPM Services Project;
- Ensure professional report writing standards observed in writing various TPM services project reports.
Reporting Line
Deputy Project Manager will report directly to ARADA’s TPM Services Project Manager and have effective coordination with WFP Area Office M&E Unit.